
db-read() -> 100ms

if request in cache,
return cache[request]

cashe is a hashtable
basic cache algorithm is below

import time

def complex_computation(a, b):
    return a + b

cache = {}
def cached_computation(a, b):
    key = (a, b)
    if key in cache:
        r = cache[key]
        r = complex_computation(a, b)
        cache[key] = r
    return r

start_time = time.time()
print cached_computation(5, 3)
print "the first computation took %f second" % (time.time() - start_time)

when db query can be cashed in serverside as dictionary like below.

CACHE = {}
def top_arts();
        key = 'top'
        if key in CACHE:
            arts = CHACHE[key]
            loggin.error("DB QUERY")
            art = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * From Art "
                            "WHERE ancestor is :1"
                            "ORDER BY DESC")

        arts = list(arts)
        CACHE[key] = arts
    return arts

when posted, cache cleared.

CACHE = {}
def top_arts(update = False);
        key = 'top'
        if not update and key in CACHE:
            arts = CHACHE[key]
            loggin.error("DB QUERY")
            art = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * From Art "
                            "WHERE ancestor is :1"
                            "ORDER BY DESC")

        arts = list(arts)
        CACHE[key] = arts
    return arts

DB read should be only submission.
loadbalancer also can handle large traffic.

load balancere

n = -1
def get_server():
    global n
    n += 1
    return SERVERS[n % len(SERVERS)]

handler, url mapping DBmodel