
y^2 = x^3 + ax + b

-> yが2乗となっているため、x軸に対して対象となる。
-> ビットコインは y^2 = x^3 + 7 で表されている(secp256k1)

2^256 – 2^32 – 2^9 – 2^8 – 2^7 – 2^6 – 2^4 -1を 有限体上で定義された楕円曲線

曲線 y^2 = x^3 + ax + bをclassで表現すると

class Point:

    def __init__(self, x, y, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        if self.y**2 != self.x**3 + a * x + b:
            raise ValueError('({}, {}) is not on the curve'.format(x, y))
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b
from ecc import Point

p1 = Point(-1, -1, 5, 7)
p1 = Point(-1, -2, 5, 7)


d = {2:4, -1:-1, 18:77, 5:7}
for x, y in d.items():
        Point(x, y, 5, 7)
        print(x, y)
    except ValueError:

$ python3 main.py
-1 -1
18 77

### 点の加算

点Aに換算すると点Aになる A + I = A
from ecc import Point

p1 = Point(-1, -1, 5, 7)
p2 = Point(-1, 1, 5, 7)
inf = Point(None, None, 5, 7)

print(p1 + inf)
print(inf + p2)
print(p1 + p2)


class Point:

    def __init__(self, x, y, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        if self.x is None and self.y is None:
        if self.y**2 != self.x**3 + a * x + b:
            raise ValueError('({}, {}) is not on the curve'.format(x, y))
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if self.a != other.a or self.b != other.b:
            raise TypeError('Point {}, {} are not on the same curve'.format(self, other))
        if self.x is None:
            return other
        if other.x is None:
            return self

x1 != x2 の時の加算コーディング

        if self.x != other.x:
            s = (other.y - self.y) / (other.x - self.x)
            x = s**2 - self.x - other.x
            y = s(self.x - x) - self.y
            return self.__class__(x, y, self.a, self.b)

P1 = P2(x座標が同じでy座標が異なる時)