

CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ”), IFNULL(message, ”))

	$dsn = "mysql:dbname=mail;host=localhost";
	$user = "hoge";
	$password = "hogehoge";
	try {
	    $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
	} catch (PDOException $e){
	    print('connection failed:'.$e->getMessage());

	if(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
			$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."'  order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
			$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["gender"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["age"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["search"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
		$sql = "select * from users where CONCAT(IFNULL(username, ''), IFNULL(message, '')) like '%".$_POST["search"]."%' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["gender"]) and !empty($_POST["age"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' and age = '".$_POST["age"]."' order by id desc";
		$sql = "select * from users where gender = '".$_POST["gender"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["age"]) and !empty($_POST["job"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where age = '".$_POST["age"]."' and job = '".$_POST["job"]."' order by id desc";
		$sql = "select * from users where age = '".$_POST["age"]."' order by id desc";
	}elseif(!empty($_POST["job"]) and !empty($_POST["area"])){
		$sql = "select * from users where job = '".$_POST["job"]."' and are = '".$_POST["are"]."' order by id desc";
		$sql = "select * from users where job = '".$_POST["job"]."' order by id desc";
		$sql = "select * from users where area = '".$_POST["area"]."' order by id desc";
		$sql = "select * from users order by id desc";
	$stmt = $dbh->query($sql);
	$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
	// var_dump($result);

	position: relative;
#img img{
	display: inline;
<form action="" method="post"><input type="search" name="search" placeholder="ユーザー名もしくは一言メッセージから探す"> <input type="submit" value="検索"><br>
性別:<input type="radio" name="gender" value="男性">男性
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="女性">女性 
	<select name="age">
	<option value="">選択してください</option>
	<option value="20歳未満">20歳未満</option>
	<option value="20-24歳">20-24歳</option>
	<option value="25-29歳">25-29歳</option>
	<option value="30-34歳">30-34歳</option>
	<option value="35-39歳">35-39歳</option>
	<option value="40-44歳">40-44歳</option>
	<option value="45-49歳">45-49歳</option>
	<option value="50-54歳">50-54歳</option>
	<option value="55-59歳">55-59歳</option>
	<option value="60-64歳">60-64歳</option>
	<option value="65-69歳">65-69歳</option>
	<option value="70-74歳">70-74歳</option>
	<option value="75-79歳">75-79歳</option>
	<option value="80歳以上">80歳以上</option>
	<select name="job">
	<option value="">選択してください</option>
	<option value="公務員">公務員</option>
	<option value="経営者・役員">経営者・役員</option>
	<option value="会社員">会社員</option>
	<option value="自営業">自営業</option>
	<option value="自由業">自由業</option>
	<option value="専業主婦">専業主婦</option>
	<option value="パート・アルバイト">パート・アルバイト</option>
	<option value="学生">学生</option>
	<option value="その他">その他</option>
	<select name="area">
	<option value="">選択してください</option>
	<option value="北海道">北海道</option>
	<option value="青森県">青森県</option>
	<option value="岩手県">岩手県</option>
	<option value="宮城県">宮城県</option>
	<option value="秋田県">秋田県</option>
	<option value="山形県">山形県</option>
	<option value="福島県">福島県</option>
	<option value="茨城県">茨城県</option>
	<option value="栃木県">栃木県</option>
	<option value="群馬県">群馬県</option>
	<option value="埼玉県">埼玉県</option>
	<option value="千葉県">千葉県</option>
	<option value="東京都">東京都</option>
	<option value="神奈川県">神奈川県</option>
	<option value="新潟県">新潟県</option>
	<option value="富山県">富山県</option>
	<option value="石川県">石川県</option>
	<option value="福井県">福井県</option>
	<option value="山梨県">山梨県</option>
	<option value="長野県">長野県</option>
	<option value="岐阜県">岐阜県</option>
	<option value="静岡県">静岡県</option>
	<option value="愛知県">愛知県</option>
	<option value="三重県">三重県</option>
	<option value="滋賀県">滋賀県</option>
	<option value="京都府">京都府</option>
	<option value="大阪府">大阪府</option>
	<option value="兵庫県">兵庫県</option>
	<option value="奈良県">奈良県</option>
	<option value="和歌山県">和歌山県</option>
	<option value="鳥取県">鳥取県</option>
	<option value="島根県">島根県</option>
	<option value="岡山県">岡山県</option>
	<option value="広島県">広島県</option>
	<option value="山口県">山口県</option>
	<option value="徳島県">徳島県</option>
	<option value="香川県">香川県</option>
	<option value="愛媛県">愛媛県</option>
	<option value="高知県">高知県</option>
	<option value="福岡県">福岡県</option>
	<option value="佐賀県">佐賀県</option>
	<option value="長崎県">長崎県</option>
	<option value="熊本県">熊本県</option>
	<option value="大分県">大分県</option>
	<option value="宮崎県">宮崎県</option>
	<option value="鹿児島県">鹿児島県</option>
	<option value="沖縄県">沖縄県</option>
	<option value="海外">海外</option>

	$i = 0;
	foreach($result as $value){
		if($i < 20){
				$picon = $value&#91;"icon"&#93;;
				echo "<img src=\"".$picon."\" id=\"icon\" width=\"48px\" height=\"48px\">";
			} elseif($value['gender'] == "男性") {
				echo "<img src=\"asset/img/male.png\" id=\"icon\">";
			} else{
				echo "<img src=\"asset/img/female.png\" id=\"icon\">";
			echo "<div id=\"profile\"><a href=\"?compose=new&to=".$value&#91;'username'&#93;."\">".$value['username'] ."</a>:".$value['age']." <span id=\"fs-s\">".$value['gender'] ."</span><br>";
				echo $value['job']."(".$value['area'].") <span id=\"fs-s\">一言メッセージ:「".$value["message"]."」</span></div><br><br>";
			} else {
				echo $value['job']."(".$value['area'].")</div><br><br>";


